Telegram bot guide

Getting Started

You can add bot to your group chat and users can search name, price of NFT collections

Special Note

  • Please pin our bot on top of your Telegram application and enable the notification so you can get the price alert as soon as possible!

  • You will have max 5 alerts repeated on each notification. After that bot will reset/delete your notification command and you have to set it again!

The code name of the NFT collection

Example: => cryptopunks will be the code name of NFT collection.

We are supporting:

  • ETH with Opensea

  • Solana with Magiceden

  • Aptos with Topaz

  • ETHW with Nuwton

  • Updating more.

The price notification only works when you chat with bot as directly, we do not support this function on group chat.

The commands:

fp - Search name suggestion and floor price of NFT in group, ex: /fp degods

add_notify - add NFT code name that you need to set alert price, ex: /add_notify degods > 10

del_notify - remove NFT code name in notification, ex: /del_notify degods

list_notify - show list of nft collections that available

Last updated